Family School Liaison Program

Family School Liaison staff work with the students and/or families who agree to receive services. The individuals guardian must provide written authorized consent.

All information during the sessions will be confidential. Specific information will be provided outside of the family only when written authorization has been provided by a parent or guardian, except when the FSL Worker is legally required to report.

If you believe your child would benefit from extra support in any of these areas, please let us know by filling out the confidential referral form at the following link:

Referral Form

An FSL Counsellor supports families and students and advocates for their needs:
-Motivation / Focus
-Problem Solving
-Performance anxiety
-Study skills/Exam Preparation
-Anger management
-Body Image
-Bullying Issues
-Emotion Recognition
-Family Relationships
-Friendship Skills
-Grief and Loss
-Life Skills
-Peer Relationships
-Self Esteem
-Stress Management


Meet Mrs. Turnbull

Hello Theresetta families! My name is Tomi Turnbull and I’m the new Family School Liaison Worker (FSLW). 


I grew up on a family farm in the Byemoor area. After completing university, my husband and I moved back to the Stettler area in 2005.  I spent 9 years working as a FSLW for Clearview. A change in priorities led me to opening a dayhome. Having the flexibility to be at home when my children were small was a blessing. Now that my children are both in school, I am excited to have the chance to return to the work I love. I look forward to learning and becoming part of the community at Theresetta School.

“We teach; we share; we learn; we care. We grow in Christ, believing that together we can make a difference.” Alberta Public Catholic Education. © 2024 East Central Catholic Schools. All rights reserved.