School Fees

There are no school fees for the 2022/2023 school year for Kindergarten - Grade 9
1. TCS covers many of the costs incurred throughout the year such as student agendas, additional supplies etc.
2. School Council is very involved in our school and supports many of our events throughout the year, covering the costs of guest speakers, transportation costs etc. We are always seeking new parent volunteers, so please consider joining!
3. We have many fundraisers to help offset the costs of field trips throughout the year.
4. Any items that require payment, we send out as they come up throughout the year (i.e. field trips, yearbook etc.) - all of which are optional.

 How to Pay:

What Is School Cash Online?

School Cash Online is an easy to use and safe way to pay for your children’s school fees. Now, with a few clicks, you can pay for your child’s yearbook, class trips and so much more from your own home. All you have to do is register for an account and in no time you will be able to make payments online. Just follow the 4 easy steps to make payments. Then see your payment history and receive receipts via email.

 Why Use School Cash Online

Convenient: Make secure payments 24/7 from the comfort of your home

Easy to Use: Online shopping with various payment methods

Safe: Your child won't be carrying cash or checks to and from school

Saves Time: Manage your school expenses and view payment history in one place

“We teach; we share; we learn; we care. We grow in Christ, believing that together we can make a difference.” Alberta Public Catholic Education. © 2024 East Central Catholic Schools. All rights reserved.