Volunteer Opportunities

At Theresetta we love to have parents and guardians engaged in their child's learning and our school community. Parents are welcome to join School Council and the Theresetta Education Foundation. 

Parents are also invited to volunteer with hot lunches, fundraising projects, room parents, volunteer driving and chaperoning of field trips. 

Parents that wish to volunteer with students must complete the following every three years:

1) Volunteer Registration Form (Form 433-1)

2) Provide a Criminal Records Check with Vulnerable Sector Check 

3) Provide a Child Welfare Check

4) Sign a Confidentiality Agreement (Form 433-2) 

5) Complete a Volunteer Driver Form (Form 433-3)

Please contact the school office if you would like to volunteer, and we will assist you in the completion of paper work. 


“We teach; we share; we learn; we care. We grow in Christ, believing that together we can make a difference.” Alberta Public Catholic Education. © 2024 East Central Catholic Schools. All rights reserved.